Brightside 1:1 Fundamentals
$345 for 4 weeks
The 1:1 version of our Fundamentals Program. This membership includes 3 personal training sessions and a limited group class membership. After successful completion of the personal training plus attendance at 6 or more regular classes, athletes can transition to an Unlimited membership.
Inquire about our 2:1 option if you'd like to join with a friend at a discounted rate!
Brightside Fundamentals:
Small Group
Coming soon!
NOTE: THIS OPTION IS NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE. Inquire about our 2:1 option if you'd like to join with a friend at a discounted rate!)
Brightside Fundamentals is our program for new members. After successful completion of the series of Fundamentals classes plus attendance at 6 or more regular classes, athletes can transition to an Unlimited Classes membership.
Unlimited Class Membership
Straight forward pricing: no contract, pay monthly, cancel anytime. Your Unlimited Class Membership includes unlimited attendance at all Brightside Strength & Conditioning, Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting, & Brightside Community Classes.
Brightside Community Classes
Sliding scale
No membership required. Sliding Scale, $10 - $25/class suggested, NOTAFLOF. Sign up in advance and pay when you arrive.
This includes:
10am Community HIIT on the 1st Saturday of the month.
Unlimited Class Membership - Community Sustainer
Get all the same benefits of our standard Unlimited Class Membership plus some added good karma. Community Sustainer memberships help us offer reduced cost services to community members with low to moderate incomes. As we gain more Community Sustainer members, we are able to open up more sliding scale membership opportunities.
Personal Training
Pricing Varies
Available for individuals and small groups.
1:1 Pricing:
1x/week: $140/session
2x/week: $130/session
2:1 Pricing:
1x/week: $205/session
2x/week: $190/session
Pricing for higher session frequencies (e.g. 3x/week) and larger groups (3 or more people) varies, please inquire for more details about your specific situation.
Personal training is almost full. We have sessions available midafternoon on limited weekdays. Morning, evening, and weekend sessions are not currently available.